The Importance of Skin Checks with a Dermatologist

September marks Skincare Awareness Month, a dedicated time to emphasize the importance of maintaining our skin’s health. One of the most crucial steps in this process is undergoing regular skin checks with a dermatologist. These examinations are essential for identifying and addressing potential skin issues before they escalate into more serious conditions. In this blog, we will delve into why regular skin checks are vital, what to expect during a skin check, signs that indicate you should see a dermatologist, the benefits of professional skin checks, and tips for self-examinations.

Why Regular Skin Checks Are Essential

Early Detection of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, but it is also highly treatable if detected early. The most prevalent types are melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. Early detection through regular skin checks significantly improves treatment outcomes and survival rates. Dermatologists are trained to recognize early signs of these cancers, which might be missed by an untrained eye.

Monitoring Changes in Skin

Our skin constantly changes; while most changes are benign, some can indicate underlying health issues. Regular skin checks help track these changes over time. Dermatologists can compare previous records to current findings, identifying any concerning developments that may require further investigation.

Prevention and Peace of Mind

Preventive care is a cornerstone of health maintenance. Regular skin checks help catch potential problems early and provide peace of mind. Knowing that a professional is monitoring your skin health can alleviate anxiety about unnoticed issues and encourage a proactive approach to skincare.

What to Expect During a Skin Check

Initial Consultation

Your first visit to a dermatologist will typically begin with a thorough review of your medical history. This includes discussing any family history of skin cancer or other skin conditions, previous skin issues, and your lifestyle, including sun exposure and tanning habits.

Full-Body Examination

A comprehensive skin check involves a head-to-toe examination of your skin. The dermatologist will look at all areas of your body, including those not typically exposed to the sun, such as your scalp, the soles of your feet, and between your toes. Using tools like dermatoscopes, dermatologists can examine moles, freckles, and spots more closely to detect any abnormalities.

Documentation and Monitoring

Dermatologists document their findings meticulously. They may take photographs of specific moles or lesions to monitor changes over time. This documentation is crucial for tracking the evolution of any suspicious areas and for making informed decisions about further testing or treatment if necessary.

Signs That You Should See a Dermatologist

ABCDEs of Melanoma

Understanding the ABCDEs of melanoma can help you identify moles that might need professional evaluation:

  • Asymmetry: One half of the mole doesn’t match the other.
  • Border: The edges are irregular, ragged, or blurred.
  • Color: The color is not uniform and may include shades of brown, black, pink, red, white, or blue.
  • Diameter: The mole is larger than 6mm (about the size of a pencil eraser).
  • Evolving: The mole is changing in size, shape, or color.

Unusual Symptoms

Other symptoms, in addition to the ABCDEs, warrant a dermatologist’s attention. These include moles or spots that itch, bleed, or change in texture. Any sudden changes in your skin, such as new growths or sores that don’t heal, should also be evaluated.

Family History and Risk Factors

Individuals with a family history of skin cancer or other risk factors should prioritize regular skin checks. These risk factors include fair skin, a history of sunburns, excessive sun exposure, the use of tanning beds, and having many moles or atypical moles.

Benefits of Professional Skin Checks

Expertise and Accuracy

Dermatologists undergo extensive training to accurately diagnose and treat a wide range of skin conditions. Their expertise ensures that any abnormalities are correctly identified and managed. Dermatologists can differentiate between benign and potentially malignant lesions with a high degree of accuracy.

Advanced Technology

Dermatology practices are equipped with advanced technologies that enhance the thoroughness of skin checks. Tools like dermatoscopes, digital imaging systems, and even artificial intelligence assist dermatologists in detecting subtle changes that might be missed by the naked eye.

Personalized Skin Care Advice

During a skin check, dermatologists can provide personalized skincare advice based on your skin type and condition. They can recommend specific products, treatments, and lifestyle adjustments to help maintain and improve your skin health.

Tips for Self-Examination Between Professional Checks

Monthly Self-Exams

Performing monthly self-examinations can help you monitor your skin between professional checks. Use a full-length mirror and a hand mirror to inspect all areas of your body, including your back, scalp, and the soles of your feet. Look for new or changing moles, freckles, or spots.

Keeping a Skin Journal

Maintain a skin journal or use apps designed for skin monitoring to track and photograph moles and spots over time. Regularly compare current photographs with previous ones to identify any concerning changes that may require professional evaluation.

Key Takeaways

Regular skin checks with a dermatologist are vital to maintaining your skin’s health. By detecting issues early, monitoring changes, and receiving personalized care, you can take charge of your skin’s health. During Skincare Awareness Month, take the initiative to schedule a skin check and encourage others to do the same. Proactive steps today can lead to healthier skin tomorrow.


1. Why are yearly skin checks with a dermatologist important?

Yearly skin checks help in the early detection and prevention of skin cancer and other conditions. Dermatologists can spot suspicious moles or spots early, significantly improving treatment outcomes, especially for melanoma. They also provide advice on skincare and sun protection.

2. What should I expect during a yearly skin check?

Expect a thorough examination from head to toe. You’ll wear a gown, and the dermatologist will use a dermatoscope to examine moles and spots closely. They will document findings, discuss concerns, and may perform a biopsy if needed.

3. How can I prepare for my yearly skin check?

Perform a self-exam and note any changes. Make a list of questions or concerns. Remove nail polish and wear loose clothing. Bring your medical history and any relevant family history of skin cancer.