Laser Hair Removal

Wouldn’t you like once and for all to do something about your unwanted hair?

You will never have to worry about shaving, waxing or skin irritations again. At Natural Image Skin Center, we offer a highly safe, effective and painless laser treatment to permanently remove unwanted hair.


Laser hair removal helps to eliminate unwanted facial or body hair using laser light. The laser works by targeting the hair follicle bulb, leaving the surrounding skin unaffected. Traditional hair removal methods such as waxing or shaving remove only the hair shaft which leaves the follicle in place to grow new hair.

Lasers can be used to treat unwanted hair on the face, back, armpits, arms, legs, and the bikini area. Overall, the procedure leaves skin smooth without the stubble and irritation that can often occur with other removal methods.


Typically, laser hair removal requires at least 4 treatments spread out over 4-6 week intervals for best results. Some maintenance sessions may be necessary and will be determined by your physician and your response to the laser treatments. Some hair removal will be noticeable right after a session. Regrowth in between treatments is often sparse and less pigmented. Results vary depending on your skin color, specific body area targeted, hair color, and the coarseness of your hair.


  • Temporary redness at the site of the laser pulse
  • The area can appear slightly swollen
  • Mild burning sensation at the site
  • Changes in skin color
  • Rarely, some people may experience scarring

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